Joseph’s Day Dream #1

standing at a road divided peering off into the horizon shadows move left to right the new moon in pursuit as a drop of sweat falls on older hands than yesterday’s trembling beneath a map’s weight upon unforeseen choices between what’s right what’s wrong? in a world of consequence why follow the sun when it only…

You’re All In My Mind

eyes glistening blue of sunkissed water a grin that captures this once wishy wash heart as music follows her everywhere the scent of golden hair floats to me hanging in the air intoxicating I could pass out complete, fleetingly whole for moments that linger infinitely return me to the earth pulling me back home this,…

in a dark room

even on the darkest of nights my dreams push forth lighting a path unseen whereupon hands and knees my will for you my heart for you even my soul I plead for you and in this darkness that drowns all light i still find warmth knowing you are here whereupon hands and knees your will…

Shorts #2 (solipsism)

solipsism—my deepest fear pulling me further away from shore through rip current of uncertainty mirages I’d rather ignore ropes of the ship’s mast tied and bound tightly nothing can be undone yet, so is love—highly unlikely (note to myself: redo, add more because this is what you get when 10 minutes are all that are…

Shorts #1

birds walk a fine line balancing on tightropes that hang from the sky ——————– lying in dreams awake he calls for names not there of faces once opaque that scatter with the light of another new morning ———————— an eternity spent at sea blown away by one day’s breeze    

Rhyme Time: Like A Rolling Stone

  So, I finished up my work for the day (so far), and I was bored (this happens often). I decided to look at Dylan’s lyrics to that popular song of his—oh what’s the name of it….. Oh yeah, “Like A Rolling Stone.” I don’t have time to currently discuss this song with you or…